
Below are examples of projects Maaike has worked on.

Corporate communication and marketing
- White papers on developments and trends in various industries
- Message from the CEO
- Newsletters and memos for employees
- Codes of Conduct
- SAP training manuals
- Employee safety training material
- Employee information regarding mergers and acquisitions
- Employee surveys and reports on survey results
- Transcreation of promotional material for the cosmetics market
- Advertising campaign for luxury cars

- Linguistic reviewer for Cisco
- In-house consultant / editor for the Dutch edition of NatSpeak speech recognition software
- Vocabulary development for linguistic software companies such as Teragram and VoiceSignal
- Translation of UI and documentation for Windows-based software

- Manuals for 3-D dental imaging systems
- Manuals for diabetes monitoring devices
- Patient information regarding clinical trials
- Interactive Voice Response (IVR) prompts, including voice-over recording
- Recall information for medical equipment

- Manual for drug inspection system
- Press releases for new products such as ultrasonic flow meters
- Translation of manuals for consumer electronics and machinery

If you would like to discuss any upcoming translation projects, please contact Maaike at: