
"It's been a pleasure working with you on this project! Thanks for helping keep us ahead of schedule, exceeding the client's expectations and providing top-notch translations. The editors have all commented how easy you've made their jobs. Thanks so much!"
-- Karen Morris, Project Manager at ASET International Services

"...very good feedback. Thanks again for a great job."
-- Diana Chirita at Pluromed, Inc.

"What a pleasure is has been to work with you ... you are thorough, responsive, and fast too!"

"I thought you would like to know that our customer just sent us a note (coming from his customer in Holland) saying that we used an excellent translator..."

"...the editor said you did a great job..."

"Your work has been highly praised by our proofer, who could not find a single change to make in the entire document."

If you would like to discuss any upcoming translation projects, please contact Maaike at: