
Maaike van Westen is an English-Dutch translator with 20+ years of experience. She has worked on a wide variety of translation and localization projects for LSP's and corporate clients, including Fortune 500 companies. Maaike obtained a Master's degree at the University of Utrecht Language Department and has an ATA certification for English into Dutch. She specializes in the following areas:

Corporate communication

What can you expect?

    High quality. Maaike has a proven track record as a reliable translator who consistently delivers high-quality work. Find out what clients say about her work.
    Specialization. Please take a look at some project examples in her areas of specialization.
    Client focus. In every aspect of her work, Maaike focuses on serving the needs of end clients and their target audience.
    Competitive rates. SDL Trados Studio 2017 enables Maaike to work at rates that are competitive in today's market place.

If you would like to discuss any upcoming translation projects, please contact Maaike at: